
It has been quite a year, but I guess they all are. I’ve had some time the past couple of weeks to relax and reflect on the memories of 2021. All in all, I’m thankful.

I started the year with a significant surgery on my neck, but I healed well. A foot injury slowed me down, but gave me time to continue writing my weekly blog and publish a book. Writing when I retired was a long time goal. It was great to have the time.

I reconnected with three treasured friends from childhood and enjoyed sharing laughter and memories. These friendships go back more than sixty years!

Quality time together as a family took me to the Grand Canyon for spring break and beautiful Kauai for Christmas. These are memories to last a lifetime.

I made a marathon trip through nine states to discover more detail about my family history. I saw amazing places where history came alive for me. It was almost like seeing a black and white photo turn to color.

Pie Therapy night was a fun way to connect with local friends. It was wonderful to share smiles and laughter. We need to do it again soon.

Each week I spent time praying with friends from various places in the country via Zoom. How wonderful to see distant friends so frequently.

I loved spending time at meetings and retreats in both California and Arizona with my fellow sisters in Christ. We are one in the bond of love.

The Lord’s goodness is the theme that runs through this year. I am so grateful for a loving God, who sent His Son, Jesus the Messiah, to redeem me, and the gift of the Holy Spirit to dwell in my heart.

I’ve laughed. I’ve cried. I’ve laughed until I cried. It’s been a good year. I’m thankful.

Published by Deanna Harder

Deanna is a singer, songwriter, musician, and speaker who loves Jesus and has a passion for worship. She has served as worship leader at many Christian women’s conferences and retreats in CA and around the western U.S.

One thought on “Thankful

  1. That is a wonderful synopsis and encouragement for all of us to count our 2021 blessings and be hopeful in our Sovereign God🥰 He is good all the time and He keeps His promises 🌷

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