Immanuel – God with Us

In a world that seems to have lost its moral compass and hope, I find myself drawn ever closer to our only hope – Jesus. The prophet Isaiah uttered these words seven hundred years before Jesus was born.

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Listen carefully, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Immanuel (God with us). – Isaiah 7:14 (ESV)

Immanuel. God with us. Jesus, the Christ. Messiah. This is beyond the grasp of my mind. God himself came to live on earth with us! Those three little words are amazing. God chose to be with us. Knowing that, gives me peace and hope for the future.

I saw an article this morning about Mars Biser, a little boy of deaf adults. Using sign language he perfectly summed up the Christmas message for me. Here is his message:

“Jesus sent Christmas to the world so that people could have a relationship with Jesus. Christmas doesn’t mean, like, Santa, gifts, and toys. It’s really all about Jesus. So He sent Christmas to the world to help kids, children, and adults to have a relationship with Jesus.”

Children speak the truth so simply. Immanuel. God with us. May the true message of Christmas, Jesus, bring you hope, peace, and joy. Merry Christmas!

Published by Deanna Harder

Deanna is a singer, songwriter, musician, and speaker who loves Jesus and has a passion for worship. She has served as worship leader at many Christian women’s conferences and retreats in CA and around the western U.S.

One thought on “Immanuel – God with Us

  1. Yes so thankful it’s all about Jesus.
    So thankful to know that God created us for a love relationship… He just wants us to LOVE Him back. So simple, so profound, sweet communion because Jesus came🥰🙏🥰

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