Peace on Earth

I read a beautiful prayer poem this past week. It describes the powerful gift of peace we receive through Jesus. It was written by my friend, Sam Wilder. I have known Sam since high school. He was a couple of years behind me in school, but we were in band together and he sat near me in the trumpet section. I had not seen him since I graduated, but I ran into him at a church conference a few years ago. Although we had not known each other well in school, it was amazing to visit with him and hear how God worked in his life and led him to become a pastor. Sam is also a gifted guitar player and writer who uses his gifts to glorify God. With Sam’s permission, here is the prayer.

Peace for my distant heart, always searching for its rest;
Peace for my anxious mind, wondering what is best.
Peace that shines through my broken life, shards of light within the dark;
Peace for the weary soul in strife whose heart is torn apart.
Peace for the ones I love who find the choices can be so hard;
Peace for those who have found that life can often leave you scarred.
Peace that only God provides through the love of Jesus Christ;
Peace that heals and helps and holds, calming storms in darkest nights.

Especially during the Christmas season, I tend to think of the passage in Luke when I hear the phrase, “Peace on earth.” I can see the chorus of angels proclaiming this to the shepherds on the night Jesus was born. This year is different. I look around me and see how much peace is needed in the broken world we live in. Sam’s poem reflected my feelings perfectly.

I have felt distant from God at times. Stress has produced anxiety causing me to lose confidence in my ability to make even simple decisions. The broken areas of my life, that I do my best to hide, have raised their ugly heads and my heart is fragile from the battles I have fought. My concern for family and friends who struggle with life is sometimes overwhelming and I feel helpless to tend to their wounds. Then I remember the words, “But God …”

God, who gave His son, Jesus, to come to earth and envelope me in His peace and love. He heals, helps, and holds me, bringing a calmness beyond my understanding. This is Christmas – the Savior is born.

Look, a time is coming – and has come – when you will be scattered, each one to his own home, and I will be left alone. Yet, I am not alone, because my Father is with me. I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world. – John 16:32-33 (NET)

Published by Deanna Harder

Deanna is a singer, songwriter, musician, and speaker who loves Jesus and has a passion for worship. She has served as worship leader at many Christian women’s conferences and retreats in CA and around the western U.S.

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